Cancer Society - Central Otago & Queenstown Lakes District


Cancer Society - Central Otago & Queenstown Lakes District

Supportive Care Services: We are committed to providing the very best practical support for people and their families affected by a cancer diagnosis. No matter who you are, where you live, or the issues you're facing through cancer, we can help with services that are free, confidential and accessible.

Living with a cancer diagnosis makes many demands on all members of the family. Support can be provided in your home by Society staff and volunteers who recognise the value of a listening ear and time-out for caregivers and supporters.

We do ask that you make contact with the Cancer Society, because we are not always made aware of who is affected by cancer in our community. Health professionals, family or friends may also make a referral to the Society on your behalf, with your permission.

For more information about our supportive care services, please contact our Queenstown Lakes office on 03 442 4281. 

Health Promotion is about encouraging healthy lifestyles and environments that help to reduce cancer risk. The  Cancer Society works collaboratively with other community groups to advocate to healthy public policy, promote healthy lifestyle choices and supportive environments. There is good evidence the following help reduce the risk of developing some cancers and chronic diseases and so we encourage:

•Smokefree - people and environments

•SunSmart - people and settings eg schools, workplaces

•Healthy eating

•Physical activity as part of everyday life.

For more detailed information on how you can reduce your risk of developing cancer please contact our Health Promotion representative on Mob Ph 0278225 825 or the Cancer Society website


  • Email:
  • Phone:
    Office: 03 442 4281 Mob 027 536 0066
  • Address:
    Unit 112B, Aurum House, Terrace Junction, 1092 Frankton Road,



Updated 13/05/2020 11:13am