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Updated 09/05/2020 1:40pm
Alcohol Drug Helpline
Our alcohol drug telephone helpline is only a call away. Call 0800 787 797 or text 8681, 24 hours a day, 7 days a w... read more
Updated 29/03/2021 8:10am
Idea (Intellectual Disability Empowerment in Action)
Welcome to IHC New Zealand. IHC will advocate for the rights, inclusion and welfare of all people with intellectual... read more
- 03 341 9299
- southern@idea.org.nz
Updated 09/12/2020 4:34pm
Wanaka Ukeleles
Wanaka Ukuleles started out as a bunch of enthusiastic learners attending workshops held by Rachel Pearson-Irvin. A... read more
- 03 443 9297
- info@wanaka-ukuleles.nz
Updated 09/12/2020 11:53am
Zigzagzoo Queenstown
The Zig Zag Zoo early learning centre is passionate and enthusiastic about providing a respectful, responsive and p... read more
- 03 409 0441
- admin@zigzagzoo.co.nz
Updated 13/05/2020 10:18am
Bruce Telford - Mental Health
Bruce Telford - Mental Health is a group which provides a free online mental health programme called Survival Strat... read more
- 0276307512
- bruce@brucetelford.com
Updated 26/03/2021 12:40pm
Kingston Bowling Club
The Club House phone number is 03 248 8882. read more
- 027 492 7711
Updated 09/11/2020 4:11pm
Queenstown Dog Agility Club
Queenstown Dog Agility Club is a non-profit organisation, and is affiliated with Dogs NZ (New Zealand Kennel Club).... read more
Updated 23/06/2020 11:37am
Central Otago Junior Rugby
Information for parents and children that play in the Central Otago Junior Rugby competition & rep teams and is ran... read more
Updated 29/03/2022 11:31am
Blind Low Vision NZ
Blind Low Vision NZ (Formerly Blind Foundation) believes everyone who is blind, deafblind, or has low vision shoul... read more
- 0800 24 33 33
- GeneralEnquiries@blindlowvision.org.nz
Updated 09/03/2021 12:49pm
Queenstown Ice Skating Club
Whether interested in the artistry of ice dance, the excitement of jumping and spinning, or the precision of workin... read more
- 034418000
- queenstowniceskatingclub@gmail.com