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Health & Wellbeing
Updated 01/03/2021 12:35pm
Central Otago Living Options
The New Zealand Disability Support Network (NZDSN) is an incorporated society of members, represented by a Board of... read more
- 03 4487748
- alison@livingoptions.org.nz
Updated 09/12/2020 4:19pm
Wanaka Volunteer Fire Brigade
Established 1953. Currently 33 Volunteer Firefighters, Attending approximately 175 calls a year. Two appliances, 85... read more
- 03-443 7602
Updated 21/05/2018 12:27pm
Strengthening Families - Upper Clutha
Strenghtening families can be used by any family/whanau in New Zealand with a child, children or young person(s) wh... read more
- 03 444 9427 or 027 341 5558
- sf.maniototo@coreap.org.nz
Updated 23/12/2020 10:50am
Wanaka Al-anon
Al-Anon has but one purpose: to help families of alcoholics. We do this by practicing The Twelve Steps, by welcomin... read more
- 0508425266
- office@al-anon.org.nz
Updated 09/05/2020 1:31pm
Alcohol and Drug / Community Mental Health Nurses
The Southern DHB Alcohol and Drug Services are delivered by the Specialist Addiction Services team (formerly Commun... read more
- (03) 441 0010 or 0800 44 33 66
- cads.intake@southerndhb.govt.nz
Updated 09/05/2020 3:03pm
Arrowtown Bowling Club
8 rink artificial green. Open all year for playing outdoor bowls. read more
- 03 442 1905
- arrowtownbowls@gmail.com
Updated 05/03/2021 12:07pm
Royal NZ Foundation for the Blind
The Blind Foundation is here to help. If you, a family member or friend, is blind or experiencing sight loss, we ca... read more
- 0800 24 33 33
- info@blindlowvision.org.nz
Updated 13/05/2020 10:06am
Brief Intervention Service
WellSouth Brief Intervention Primary Mental Health Service provides support and assistance to people experiencing c... read more
- 03 477 1163 OR 0800 477 115 (free)
- info@wellsouth.org.nz
Updated 09/05/2020 1:55pm
Alcoholics Anonymous Queenstown
Alcoholics Anonymous is a voluntary, worldwide fellowship of men and women from all walks of life who meet together... read more
- 0800 229 6757
- nzgso@aa.org.nz
Updated 15/01/2021 11:02am
Southland ACC Advocacy Trust
Our purpose is to provide free and independent advocacy services for ACC claimants who cannot afford the hire the s... read more
- 03-2188194
- southaccadv@gmail.com