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Updated 09/05/2020 1:55pm
Alcoholics Anonymous Queenstown
Alcoholics Anonymous is a voluntary, worldwide fellowship of men and women from all walks of life who meet together... read more
- 0800 229 6757
- nzgso@aa.org.nz
Updated 07/01/2021 2:38pm
Wakatipu Ski Club
The Wakatipu Ski Club, situated at the base of the field of Coronet Peak in Queenstown, New Zealand, offers subsidi... read more
Updated 12/05/2020 12:35pm
Barre Yoga
This is a unique blend of pilates, yoga and dance training techniques. Technique is broken down into steps that any... read more
- 027 227 7338
- amber@barrewarrior.com
Updated 07/01/2021 2:54pm
Wakatipu Rugby Club
As the only rugby club located in Queenstown, New Zealand, the Wakatipu Rugby Club has a proud record of one of the... read more
- 027 736 9446
- info@wakatipurugby.co.nz
Updated 26/03/2021 2:41pm
Junior Rugby Wakatipu
Wakatipu Rugby Club has been going since 1953 and we have senior and junior teams playing. We’re always very happy ... read more
- 0274 735 474
- juniors@wakatipurugby.co.nz
Updated 29/08/2022 1:00pm
Bhartiya Samaj Queenstown
Bhartiya Samaj Charitable Trust Queenstown is committed to bring positive changes in the lives of people from diffe... read more
- 0212549482
- info@bsq.co.nz
Updated 09/03/2021 11:44am
Queenstown Disc Golf
Disc golf has been played in and around the Wakatipu for decades, most notably in the Queenstown Gardens. The cours... read more
Updated 07/08/2019 9:55am
Queenstown Mountain Bike Club
The Queenstown Mountain Bike Club (QMTBC) was formed in 2003 with the express purpose of facilitating the developme... read more
Updated 11/03/2021 9:32am
Piano Lessons
Piano lessons from Kana Takahashi at Wakatipu High School and also visiting the students houses in Wakatipu basin.P... read more
- 0272380555
- kanat.piano@gmail.com
Updated 11/01/2021 8:10am
Wakatipu Guides Club
For Pippies, Brownies, Guides, Rangers and Leaders.Girl guides are a great way for girls to make new friends and en... read more
- 03 366 8409
- info@ggnz.org.nz