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Updated 07/01/2021 12:01pm
Wakatipu Yacht Club Inc
Wakatipu Yacht Club is a member of the Southland Yachting Association and is affiliated to Yachting New Zealand the... read more
- 021 347 306
- wakatipuyachtclub@gmail.com
Updated 10/03/2021 3:44pm
Salvation Army
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its messag... read more
- 03 442 9661
- queenstown.corps@salvationarmy.org.nz
Updated 26/03/2021 11:48am
Masonic Lodge - Lake Lodge of Ophir No 85
One of the world’s oldest and largest fraternal organisations. An organisation of men who adopt the fundamental pri... read more
- +64 21 442 639
- lakelodgeofophir@queenstown.co.nz
Updated 05/02/2021 11:28am
Shotover Country Music Club
When: The 3rd Sunday of every month. Time: 1.30 - 4.00 pm. read more
- 027 656 3554
- r.j.mctaggart@xtra.co.nz
Updated 12/05/2020 12:35pm
Barre Yoga
This is a unique blend of pilates, yoga and dance training techniques. Technique is broken down into steps that any... read more
- 027 227 7338
- amber@barrewarrior.com
Updated 26/03/2021 2:37pm
Jehovahs Witness Kingdom Hall
A place of learning for lectures and discussions. The facility seats up to 84 people and meetings are usually sched... read more
- 03 442 2341 or +64 027 444 5226
Updated 13/05/2020 12:07pm
Catholic Womens League
The New Zealand Catholic Women’s League is a national organisation of Catholic women. A faith-based organisation, i... read more
- +64 3 442 8610
- faebob@xtra.co.nz
Updated 09/03/2021 12:09pm
Queenstown Golf Club
Queenstown Golf Club is situated in the amphitheatre of the Remarkable Mountains and offers a unique opportunity to... read more
- (03) 442 9169 ex 1
- admin@queenstowngolf.co.nz
Updated 04/02/2021 10:56am
Shukokai Karate - Queenstown
Shukokai is a hard and fast style of karate with an emphasis on self-defence. Traditional dojo etiquette and discip... read more
- 0274 316 236
- patsarat@gmail.com
Updated 01/03/2021 1:02pm
Central Otago Wakatipu Cycle Club
Winner of "The Best Little Cycling Club in New Zealand" at 2009 Cycling NZ Awards. We emphasise having fun while ra... read more
- 027 542 0329
- lippers@xtra.co.nz