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Updated 26/03/2021 2:37pm
Jehovahs Witness Kingdom Hall
A place of learning for lectures and discussions. The facility seats up to 84 people and meetings are usually sched... read more
- 03 442 2341 or +64 027 444 5226
Updated 21/05/2018 12:27pm
Queenstown Embroiderers Guild
The Queenstown Embroiderers Guild is a member of the Association of New Zealand Embroidery Guilds, and meets regula... read more
Updated 12/05/2020 12:35pm
Barre Yoga
This is a unique blend of pilates, yoga and dance training techniques. Technique is broken down into steps that any... read more
- 027 227 7338
- amber@barrewarrior.com
Updated 09/03/2021 1:35pm
Queenstown Lions Club
Lions are ordinary people from all walks of life who enjoy getting together and doing good things. We are kind and ... read more
- 03 441 8077
- md202.secretary@lionsclubs.org.nz
Updated 25/03/2021 1:50pm
Luv Immigration Club
Welcome to Luv Immigration Club. We are a non-profit club providing free cultural activities and education/hardsh... read more
- 03 442 2211
- info@luvimmigration.com
Updated 21/05/2018 12:27pm
Latter Day Saints
The first Latter-day Saint missionaries in New Zealand arrived in Auckland in October 1854 from Australia, where th... read more
Updated 12/05/2020 11:27am
BestStart Queenstown
Best Start Queenstown prides itself on providing a safe, loving and challenging environment that nurtures the growt... read more
- (03) 442 6822
- queenstown@best-start.org
Updated 25/03/2021 10:38am
Otago Girls High School ex Pupils
The Objects of the Association are:To foster a spirit of loyalty and warm relations among alumni and the current Sc... read more
- 03 448 5283
- nolaha@xtra.co.nz
Updated 10/03/2021 2:36pm
Queenstown Plunket Mothers
Plunket offers a range of FREE courses, aimed at supporting parents in their parenting role through the different s... read more
- 03 442 7380
- Belinda.ricketts@plunket.org.nz
Updated 09/03/2021 9:54am
Queenstown Alpine Ski Team
QAST provides programmes for athletes to enhance their athletic skill, and in the process of doing so, to build cha... read more
- +64 3 442 8182
- admin@qast.org.nz