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Updated 21/05/2018 12:27pm
Queenstown Indian Religious Organisation
Religious sessions as per planned by the members read more
- 0212932514
Updated 02/03/2021 10:27am
Creative Queenstown Art and Craft Market
The "Creative Queenstown Arts and Crafts Markets" are set in a vibrant colourful arena, where visual and performing... read more
- 021 122 7695
- info@queenstownmarket.nz
Updated 10/03/2021 3:26pm
Queenstown Squash Club
New members are very welcome, if you would prefer to try the Club before you commit to membership you are welcome t... read more
- 021 498 848
- queenstownsquashclub@xtra.co.nz
Updated 23/08/2022 11:51am
Aspiring Therapy
Counselling: room-based therapy where things such as stress, overwhelm, burnout, depression, and anxiety can be e... read more
- 02041229503
- hello@aspiringtherapy.co.nz
Updated 13/01/2023 11:00am
Wakatipu Potters Group
Wakatipu Potters Group is a not-for-profit incorporated society and local community pottery club. We have been in e... read more
Updated 26/03/2021 2:50pm
Grey Power Queenstown
Grey Power is a national organisation that was set up in the 80s as an advocacy group for older people. Over 50s a... read more
- 03 428 7861
- greypowerqueenstownsecretary@gmail.com
Updated 08/01/2021 9:22am
Wakatipu Gun/Claybird Shooting Club
The New Zealand Clay Target Association (NZCTA) is responsible for administering, promoting and fostering the sport... read more
Updated 11/01/2021 8:02am
Wakatipu Women's Fellowship
Meetings held every 3rd Wednesday of the month from February till November. Meetings held in members homes. read more
- 03 409 0125
- dunbarap@yahoo.co.nz
Updated 05/03/2021 12:07pm
Royal NZ Foundation for the Blind
The Blind Foundation is here to help. If you, a family member or friend, is blind or experiencing sight loss, we ca... read more
- 0800 24 33 33
- info@blindlowvision.org.nz
Updated 31/03/2021 5:11pm
Margaret O'Hanlon The Singers Workshop
Singing / Performaces in Qpact read more
- 027 422 1768
- madrienne61@gmail.com