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Updated 26/03/2021 2:37pm
Jehovahs Witness Kingdom Hall
A place of learning for lectures and discussions. The facility seats up to 84 people and meetings are usually sched... read more
- 03 442 2341 or +64 027 444 5226
Updated 29/03/2022 10:23am
Wakatipu Artistic Swimming
We offer artistic swimming programs for recreational and competitive synchronised swimmers in a friendly & supporti... read more
Updated 29/08/2022 1:00pm
Bhartiya Samaj Queenstown
Bhartiya Samaj Charitable Trust Queenstown is committed to bring positive changes in the lives of people from diffe... read more
- 0212549482
- info@bsq.co.nz
Updated 12/01/2021 2:01pm
Sustainable Queenstown
Sustainable Queenstown is a group of like-minded locals engaging the community in actively seeking sustainable solu... read more
Updated 08/01/2021 9:39am
Wakatipu Conservatoire Of Classical Ballet
Our Vision is to foster passion while developing technical excellence in Classical Ballet. To nurture the dancers ... read more
- 0204 153 4495
- theresa@wakatipuccb.com
Updated 02/03/2021 10:27am
Creative Queenstown Art and Craft Market
The "Creative Queenstown Arts and Crafts Markets" are set in a vibrant colourful arena, where visual and performing... read more
- 021 122 7695
- info@queenstownmarket.nz
Updated 05/03/2021 12:07pm
Royal NZ Foundation for the Blind
The Blind Foundation is here to help. If you, a family member or friend, is blind or experiencing sight loss, we ca... read more
- 0800 24 33 33
- info@blindlowvision.org.nz
Updated 09/03/2021 11:44am
Queenstown Disc Golf
Disc golf has been played in and around the Wakatipu for decades, most notably in the Queenstown Gardens. The cours... read more
Updated 10/03/2021 3:38pm
Queenstown Tennis Club
QUEENSTOWN TENNIS CLUB offers a variety of competitions & recreational play sessions for senior and junior members.... read more
- 021 397 552
- queenstowntennisclub@gmail.com
Updated 01/03/2021 1:02pm
Central Otago Wakatipu Cycle Club
Winner of "The Best Little Cycling Club in New Zealand" at 2009 Cycling NZ Awards. We emphasise having fun while ra... read more
- 027 542 0329
- lippers@xtra.co.nz