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Updated 19/03/2021 11:42am
Mountain Safety Council
The Wakatipu branch of the Mountain Safety Council run a variety of public courses in the following disciplines - F... read more
- 04-385 7162
- info@mountainsafety.org.nz
Updated 10/03/2021 2:34pm
Queenstown Plunket Centre
Little Wrigglers PEPE Parenting Education (5-12 mths)Opening hours: Phone for start dates and information Phone: 03... read more
- 03 442 7380
- southern.region@plunket.org.nz
Updated 07/01/2021 12:20pm
Wakatipu Victim Support
You can also contact Victim Support through the Police - Phone: 03 441 1600 Office Landline: 03 441 1608. read more
- +64 4 474 8862
- nationaloffice@victimsupport.org.nz
Updated 21/05/2018 12:28pm
Wakatipu Rodeo Club
You can also contact Murray Sarginson on 03 248 8587. read more
- 03 442 2713
Updated 13/05/2020 11:46am
Catalyst Trust
CATALYST is about providing the spark needed to bring great ideas, compelling speakers, innovative and often provoc... read more
Updated 26/03/2021 2:37pm
Jehovahs Witness Kingdom Hall
A place of learning for lectures and discussions. The facility seats up to 84 people and meetings are usually sched... read more
- 03 442 2341 or +64 027 444 5226
Updated 09/03/2021 1:40pm
Queenstown Medical Centre
Queenstown Medical Centre (QMC) was established by the late Dr Pat Farry in 1970 who had a vision of a practice bas... read more
- 64 3 441 0500
- info@qmc.co.nz
Updated 26/03/2021 11:25am
We are a group of locals who are passionate about Te Reo Māori (Māori Language) and Waiata (Māori songs). Most of u... read more
- 0211208203
- cory.ratahi@gmail.com
Updated 21/05/2018 12:27pm
St Josephs Catholic Parish
Queenstown, Arrowtown, Garston and Glenorchy are served by one Priest, currently Father Jaime Lalaguna, who is stat... read more
Updated 09/03/2021 1:00pm
Queenstown Junior Football Club
Welcome to the Queenstown Junior Football Club, the home of football in the Wakatipu Basin!The QJF club aims to pro... read more
- 021 0851 0282
- info@queenstownfootball.com