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Updated 07/08/2019 12:33pm
Queenstown Volunteer Fire Brigade
In an Emergency dial 111This is a volunteer station. That means all members of our brigade dedicate their own time ... read more
- 03 442 7666
- katherine.lamont@fireandemergency.nz
Updated 19/12/2021 8:42pm
Aspiring Trampolining
Aspiring Trampolining provides opportunities for those wishing to further their skills in trampolining and associat... read more
- 021 203 8798
- aspiring-trampolining@outlook.com
Updated 09/05/2020 1:54pm
Alcoholics Anonymous Frankton
Alcoholics Anonymous is a voluntary, worldwide fellowship of men and women from all walks of life who meet together... read more
- 0800 229 6757
- nzgso@aa.org.nz
Updated 25/03/2021 1:50pm
Luv Immigration Club
Welcome to Luv Immigration Club. We are a non-profit club providing free cultural activities and education/hardsh... read more
- 03 442 2211
- info@luvimmigration.com
Updated 07/04/2021 11:01am
Queenstown Karate Club
Queenstown Karate Club was founded by Craig McLachlan in 1989. We have hosted many internationally renowned instruc... read more
- 0210 221 8625
- chris@darkside.co.nz
Updated 22/12/2020 3:46pm
Wanaka Camera Club
The Wanaka Camera Club is an enthusiastic and friendly club, that was formed in 2007 by a group interested in photo... read more
Updated 10/12/2021 11:20am
The Wakatipu Walkers
The Wakatipu Walkers walk 50 weeks of the year and hike a different trail every week. There are often 3 options var... read more
- 027 434 4545
- kashmilne@gmail.com
Updated 07/01/2021 3:11pm
Wakatipu Riding Club
Wakatipu Riding Club, Inc. (WRC) is an affiliated member of New Zealand Riding Clubs, Inc. and Bridleways NZ. We ar... read more
Updated 09/03/2021 1:27pm
Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust
Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust is your local organisation for community housing.Our mission is to provide... read more
- 03 450 1702
- admin@qlcht.org.nz
Updated 21/05/2018 12:28pm
Lakes District Hospital
For all emergencies dial 111 from any New Zealand landline or mobile phone. read more
- (03) 441 0015
- contactus@southerndhb.govt.nz