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Updated 09/12/2020 4:41pm
Wanaka Search and Rescue Group
Providing Search and Rescue support for the lost, missing and injured If you’re lost, missing or injured, day or ni... read more
Updated 25/03/2021 10:08am
Oral Health Services
The Community Oral Health service has a strong emphasis on prevention of tooth decay and providing parents with adv... read more
- 03 476 9835
- oralhealth@southerndhb.govt.nz
Updated 13/05/2020 10:03am
Bridge Programme - Alcohol & Drug Support
Whether you're considering getting some help for yourself or a friend or relative, The Salvation Army Bridge offers... read more
- 0800 530 000 or (03) 477 9852
- dunedin_bridge@nzf.salvationarmy.org
Updated 26/03/2021 3:53pm
Mary Ferguson
Psychotherapist/CounsellorI am a Registered Psychotherapist with both an adult and a specialised child, adolescent ... read more
- 0275 044 730
- maryferguson3@gmail.com
Updated 21/05/2018 12:27pm
Strengthening Families - Upper Clutha
Strenghtening families can be used by any family/whanau in New Zealand with a child, children or young person(s) wh... read more
- 03 444 9427 or 027 341 5558
- sf.maniototo@coreap.org.nz
Updated 13/10/2020 11:59am
Queenstown Meditation
Come along to The Sherwood (the yoga studio above the bar), Frankton Road, Queenstown, on Thursday evenings for a c... read more
- 021 184 3944
- queenstownmeditation@gmail.com
Updated 02/03/2021 10:02am
Counsellor and Gestalt Therapist, Elizabeth Denton
I work as a counsellor and gestalt therapist with individuals and couples. Most people benefit from therapy at cert... read more
- 0212 882 797
- elizabethdentonnz@gmail.com
Updated 11/05/2020 2:53pm
Arrowtown Swimming Club
The Arrowtown Swimming Club is run by volunteers from the community for the community. The club is steeped in histo... read more
- 0212971422
- arrowtownswimclub@gmail.com
Updated 09/12/2020 3:48pm
Wanaka Wastebusters
Wanaka's recycling centre and biggest reuse shop. Open 8am - 5.30pm, 7 days a week (closed Christmas Day, Good Frid... read more
- 03 443 8606
- admin@wastebusters.co.nz
Updated 26/03/2021 3:39pm
Health and Disability Advocacy Service
The Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service is a free service that operates independently from all health... read more
- 0800 555 050
- advocacy@advocacy.org.nz