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Updated 26/03/2021 2:37pm
Jehovahs Witness Kingdom Hall
A place of learning for lectures and discussions. The facility seats up to 84 people and meetings are usually sched... read more
- 03 442 2341 or +64 027 444 5226
Updated 02/03/2021 4:10pm
Fish and Game Otago
The region runs inland to include the whole of both the Clutha and Taieri River catchments as well as a number of s... read more
- (03) 477 9076
- otago@fishandgame.org.nz
Updated 01/09/2020 1:59pm
Queenstown Qigong
Online classes / in-person workshops in Qigong, heart consciousness meditation, mindfulness and other personal deve... read more
Updated 19/03/2021 11:20am
Montessori Wanaka
Montessori Children’s House Wanaka offers pre-schoolers aged between 1 and 6 years the freedom to explore in a fun,... read more
- 03 443 8389
- info@mchw.co.nz
Updated 26/03/2021 11:29am
Kyokushin Karate Club
We train at the Scout Den, Eely Point Road, Wanaka.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kyokushin-Karate-Wanaka-61468... read more
- 027 564 7822
- kenworthydojo@gmail.com
Updated 03/03/2021 4:17pm
Glenorchy Golf Club
The beautiful Glenorchy 9 hole golf course is located at the recreation grounds on the corner of Mull and Oban Stre... read more
Updated 09/03/2021 12:09pm
Queenstown Golf Club
Queenstown Golf Club is situated in the amphitheatre of the Remarkable Mountains and offers a unique opportunity to... read more
- (03) 442 9169 ex 1
- admin@queenstowngolf.co.nz
Updated 07/04/2021 10:55am
Queenstown Muslim Community
Queenstown Muslim community is the association of Muslim people who live in Queenstown read more
- 022 070 5061
- queenstownmuslim@gmail.com
Updated 26/03/2021 12:43pm
Kingston Community Association
The Kingston Community Association meet on the first Friday of each month at the Kingston Emergency Services Buildi... read more
- 027 292 9430
- kcasecretary@hotmail.com
Updated 13/06/2022 4:55pm
Dance Social NZ
At Dance Social NZ we teach Modern Jive: an easy to learn, partner dance which is as it says Dancing and its Social... read more
- 021566013
- dancesocialnz@gmail.com