Community Link Upper Clutha

Community Links UpperClutha CMYK stacked

Community Link Upper Clutha

Community Link Upper Clutha is the Upper Clutha's one-stop community support and connection centre, supporting our growing community across the full wellbeing spectrum. We work to provide information and support; connect and collaborate; and build resilient community through development projects and cross-sector collaboration.

• We provide a gateway for the community to access free information and support from government agencies like MSD, WINZ, IRD; financial advisors; legal aid; and social work services.

• We coordinate community services like the Community Foodbank; JP services; Total Mobility Vouchers; Meals on Wheels and Wheels to Dunstan, our community bus service connecting locals to Dunstan and Dunedin hospitals.

• We offer subsidised counselling and financial assistance with one-off household costs through our Community Support Fund.

• We work alongside local social service providers and the community to identify and address gaps in provision; develop and support projects to meet community needs; and support community groups with advice and funding.


Hours: 9-5pm, Monday - Friday

Location: Wanaka Community Hub, 34 McDougall Street

For more info: visit or call 03 443 7799




Updated 01/11/2024 5:01pm