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Department of Conservation - Mount Aspiring National Park Visitor Centre (Wanaka)

Department of Conservation - Mount Aspiring National Park Visitor Centre (Wanaka)
Mission and vision:
The Department of Conservation's challenge is to manage natural and historic heritage assets for the greatest benefit and enjoyment of all New Zealanders, by conserving, advocating and promoting natural and historic heritage so that its values are passed on undiminished to future generations.
The Department’s mission is:
To conserve New Zealand’s natural and historic heritage for all to enjoy now and in the future.
He âta whakaute, manaaki, me te tiaki ia Papatuanuku ki Aotearoa kia û tonu ai tôna whakawaiûtanga hei oranga ngakau mô te tini te mano inâianei, âke tonu ake.
The Department’s vision is:
New Zealand is the greatest living space on Earth.
Kâore he wâhi i tua atu i a Aotearoa, hei wahi noho i te ao.
mtaspiringvc @doc.govt.nz -
+64 3 443 7660 -
1 Ballantyne Road
Updated 02/03/2021 11:36am