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Destination Queenstown

Destination Queenstown
Destination Queenstown (DQ) is the Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) responsible for the marketing of Queenstown as the Southern Hemisphere's premier four season lake and alpine resort.
As the neutral tourism contact point for the resort, we work with local businesses, including tourism operators, the hospitality industry, accommodation providers, retailers, and service sectors to promote Queenstown as a unique destination that offers visitors truly memorable experiences. Our role is to co-ordinate, facilitate, motivate and develop the marketing of Queenstown.
On an international level, we work closely with Tourism New Zealand and in our long haul markets we promote the wider Southern Lakes region alongside our neighbours Destination Fiordland and Lake Wanaka Tourism.
We are responsible for the branding and positioning of Queenstown.
We have a mandate to generically promote the Queenstown District as an international visitor destination through a variety of distribution channels and we act as the neutral co-ordinator of initiatives and campaigns that benefit our members.
We have a core role in several areas including providing information, trade liaison and media promotion. We also co-ordinate the collective marketing of Queenstown – identifying, prioritising and promoting the various visitor groups that we believe Queenstown can attract.
The role of our team is to provide the right assistance to the right people, be it frontline staff, corporate contacts, travel agents, media or Destination Queenstown’s members. Liaison with key markets, leveraging advertising investment, maintaining relationships, developing new contacts and providing updates on events, developments, new products and relevant news in our region is all part of our job.
reception @queenstownnz .co.nz -
03 441 0700 / Freephone: 0800 478 336 (NZ only) -
Malaghan Building, Stanley Street
Updated 21/12/2020 4:28pm