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Hawea Volunteer Fire Brigade
Hawea Volunteer Fire Brigade
This is a volunteer station.
That means all members of our brigade dedicate their own time in order to serve this community. We respond to a variety of emergencies in our local area.
These include: Fires Medical emergencies Motor vehicle accidents Search and rescue Civil defence Natural disaster responses And of course, we also offer fire safety advice.
If you want to visit this station, get in touch using the contact details on this page or come by the station on a training night.
Want to volunteer at this station? If you want to serve your community and volunteer for this brigade, you can find out more about volunteering for Fire and Emergency New Zealand on these pages: https://fireandemergency.nz/stations/show/lake-hawea-volunteer-fire-brigade
brent.arthur @fireandemergency.nz -
03 443 1632 or 021 334482 -
61 Noema Terrace
Lake Hawea
Updated 26/03/2021 3:32pm