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Hawea Wanaka Pony Club

Hawea Wanaka Pony Club
Hawea Wanaka Pony Club OUR MISSION: Hawea Wanaka Pony Club aims to provide a safe, fun & supportive environment for equestrian families in the district. We aim to provide high quality equestrian education and foster development of NZ young riders of the future. OUR VALUES Fun, Supportive & Educational OUR OBJECTIVES Provide a fun & sociable rallies and experiences, where riders will develop their knowledge and skills to progress with their certificate work. Build a reputation for being a club that develops young riders, that are competitive at any level in any discipline. Provide strong development opportunities for riders and coaches alike. Maintaining a financially strong club, with a large and growing membership. Key information and times are listed on the Hawea Wanaka Pony Club Members page. Please request to join this as this is where all key information is listed. Request to join via Andrea Kendrick on messenger. The pony club season runs from 1st of August through to May. Rallies can be either mounted (with your pony) or unmounted (theory and horsemanship) Rallies are planned at the beginning of the season and are more frequent in the summer months, but can range from 1 x a week, to 1 x a month, just depending on other competitions and availability of coaches. New members are welcome to attend 3 rallies, to see if it was you are looking for. Please ask for assistance, when joining, as this is all done through a nationwide database, called Nominate. There is a link on our facebook page, titled 'how to join pony club' On nominate, you can purchase merchandise, but most information is shared on the Face book page. We look forward to meeting you and your pony soon :) Andrea (Treasurer)
Updated 09/07/2021 2:25pm