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Wakatipu Potters Group

Wakatipu Potters Group
Wakatipu Potters Group is a not-for-profit incorporated society and local community pottery club. We have been in existence since 1982, with the studio now located on the corner of the Te Atamira building in Remarkables Park, Frankton (12 Hawthorne St, Dart House Building 11, Remarkables Park - opposite the Cancer Op shop).
New for 2023: We will run courses in Handbuilding and Wheel Throwing. The open casual Visitor Nights will not be available for now. Please refer to our website for details of all workshops, courses, and casual open dates. We respond to emails and messenger chat inquiries (facebook) if you have questions.
Space is limited for any event, and must be booked in advance on our website: https://www.wakatipupotters.com/book-online
Membership may be available after five sessions by invitation and application, but as members are independent users of the Club facilities, you must have a level of skill and competence to become a member. There is a non-refundable annual fee and Safety & Use of Studio instruction induction prior to club membership.
We are affiliated with Ceramics NZ, the national organisation of potters.
You can contact the club:
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Queenstownpotters/
Instagram: wakatipu_potters_group
wakatipupotters @gmail .com -
12 Hawthorne St, Te Atamira Dart Bldg11 at Remarkables Park Shopping Center
Updated 13/01/2023 11:00am