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Wakatipu Riding Club

Wakatipu Riding Club
Wakatipu Riding Club, Inc. (WRC) is an affiliated member of New Zealand Riding Clubs, Inc. and Bridleways NZ. We are an open, active, fun group of adult horse lovers who share a common passion for equestrian activities and information.
We organise and host competitions, treks and other equestrian events to provide riding and social opportunities for our members and other riders. We also promote the communication of a wide range of equestrian-related information relevant to the Wakatipu community.
Our club meets once per month, and all members are encouraged to attend. New members are always welcome! Membership is just $25 per year. For more information about our meetings, our committee, and becoming a financial member of the WRC, feel free to contact us on wakatipuridingclub@gmail.com for any other information.
Wakatipu Riding Club, Inc. is here to encourage equine adventures of all types in this wonderful region.
Updated 07/01/2021 3:11pm