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Wakatipu Toy Library
Wakatipu Toy Library
The Toy Library Federation of NZ is the national body to which individual toy libraries belong. We act as a support to new and existing not-for-profit toy libraries; offering information and support on all aspects of running a toy library, toy selection and the value of play. Toy Libraries offer a range of quality toys, puzzles, games and learning activities for members to hire for a set period of time. In NZ our toy libraries mainly cater for children 0-8 years. Many libraries also stock games, puzzles, sport, musical and other play items suitable for the entire family. Some therapeutic toy libraries such as those run by CCS focus on children with special needs. Toy Libraries are run by a group of volunteers for the benefit of children in your community.
wakatiputoylibrary @gmail .com -
027 678 5593 -
Joe O'connell Drive, Queenstown
Updated 07/01/2021 2:11pm